Posted by on 19/08/2020

LinkedIn for BUSINESS Marketing and Entrepreneur Marketing. Do you wonder how to use LinkedIn to Market Your Business? LinkedIn has become a really effective tool for generating leads for businesses and entrepreneurs. More than 90% of B2B marketers stated that LinkedIn is the best place to win leads. 80% of B2B business leads are generated on LinkedIn, 64% of corporate website visits originate on LinkedIn. Which is impressive. But despite these positive numbers, LinkedIn gets overlooked in many Social Media business marketing strategies.

In this video I share 5 LinkedIn marketing tips that every business and entrepreneur should implement. To maximize the lead generation and not waste any of your time on this platform. Subscribe below and hit the notification bell to continue your professional and personal growth content. And… stick with me till the end of this video where I share 10 LinkedIn statistics which are a MUST for your business and your marketing strategy on LinkedIn.

So the tip number 1 and the base for a successful start would be: Optimizing your Personal Profile. No matter what type of business you want to create and promote on LinkedIn, the personal profile is where it all starts. To attract potential partners and customers, you need an attractive LinkedIn profile yourself. Tip number 2 is of course: Creating a Company Page. Whether you are a business owner or an entrepreneur you need a company page! A LinkedIn company page gives you a way to tell your potential clients, partners, and even to random strangers, more about your business!