Posted by on 03/03/2020

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Is NOW A Perfect Time To Let Employees Work From Home? The future of teleworking. Is it time to impulse telework? Aside from already known reasons, teleworking might also be a solution to some of the world issues such as coronavirus disease outbreak. Can home office stabilize the current corporate job market? A few months ago we’ve been talking about the improved employment market perspectives. Despite the Brexit and the trade wars, the global economy was doing ok. Now not only stocks are experiencing their worst weeks since the financial crisis, but the job markets and hiring in general are hitting an unexpected new low! Working remotely is helping many companies to deal with issues like this and to control the situation. Through the years many companies have embraced a flexible remote-work culture. Across the globe, working from home and remote locations has grown 2,5 times since 2005. 70 percent of corporate professionals globally work remotely at least one day a week now, while about 50 percent work remotely for at least half of the week. Statistics of teleworking and home office figures for European Countries, for United States up to last year. You can see that the overall percentage still remains quite low. But now in 2020 with the coronavirus outbreak, China had absolutely no choice. More than 18 million companies in China are currently recurring to telework, with more than 350 million people using remote work apps. Suddenly this has become the first case of teleworking on such a massive scale. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) an “international public health emergency” – The coronavirus is changing how people work and 5G adds more options for telecommuting. These will force companies to rethink how aggressively to promote telecommuting. Employees always view telecommuting as a job perk. More than half of candidates are seeking this arrangement as a way to improve their work-life balance. Working remotely avoids daily commutes, reduces workplace distractions, reduces stress and helps to fulfill family care responsibilities. 77% of future employees find the possibility of working from home one day a week as a great incentive. Investing in a strong remote work infrastructure can soften the economic blow of a pandemic. This is where remote work can stand up to the challenge. – The less time commuting, the more time to spend with those we love!